Quality Assurance Unit - وحدة ضمان الجودة

Published in Computer Science
Wednesday, 01 November 2023 12:43
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رؤية وحدة ضمان الجودة:

تصنف كلية علوم الحاسب ضمن أفضل كليات تكنولوجيا المعلومات والذكاء الاصطناعي محليا ودوليا وتحقق الريادة في التعليم والبحث العلمي وتساهم بفاعلية في خدمة المجتمع وتحقيق رؤى مصر المستقبلية.

رسالة وحدة ضمان الجودة:

تقدم الكلية برامج تعليمية متخصصة فى علوم الحاسب معتمدة قوميا ومعترف بها عالميا بشراكة مع جامعات بريطانية لإعداد خريج متميز خلقيا مزود بالمهارات المهنية والمعارف وله القدرة على ريادة الأعمال والمنافسة في سوق العمل، وتقوم بالبحث التطبيقي والنشر العلمي، وتقدم خدمات وحلول تدعم المجتمع المحيط والمهني.

القيم الجوهرية للكلية:

- محورية الطالب
- التميز
- النزاهة والشفافية
- المصداقية والمساءلة
- العمل الجماعي
- الولاء
- الإحترام والشمولية
- المسؤولية المجتمعية

أهداف الكلية الاستراتيجية الرئيسية والفرعية:

(1) تطوير فاعلية التعليم والتعلم
1. تطوير مقررات البكالوريوس الحالية
2. إستحداث برامج جديدة للمرحلة الجامعية الأولى
3. إنشاء برامج للدراسات العليا
4. تطوير اللوائح التنظيمية للكلية بما يتوافق مع الاطر التنظيميه والجودة المصرية والانجليزية. (2) تعزيز قدرات البحث العلمي والابتكار بالكلية
1. زيادة مشاركة المعنين (الطلاب، الخريجين، الهيئة المعاونة، اعضاء هيئة التدريس) بالبحث العلمى
2. خلق مناخ بحثي متميز
3. توفير فرص للمعنيين للتعاون البحثى والأكاديمى مع الهيئات والأكاديميات البحثية المحلية والدولية
(3) تعظيم المشاركة المجتمعية
1. زيادة المشاركة الفاعلة بين الكلية والمجتمع المدنى بما يحقق المنفعة للطرفين.
2. زيادة التواصل الفعال بين الكلية والخريجين والهيئات الحكومية والمجتمع المدني والمحيط
3. تعزيز دور البحث العلمي في تحقيق التنمية وخدمة المجتمع
(4) تعظيم التنمية المستدامة
1. التحول الذكى للأنشطة الأكاديمية والبحثية والمجتمعية لتقديم تعليم وخدمات متميزة.
2. تنمية موارد الكلية البشرية والمادية.
3. دعم الأنشطة التى تتميز بالإبداع والإبتكار والذكاء الإصطناعى والتحدى

Complaints & Claims

Published in Computer Science
Wednesday, 22 February 2023 14:17
888 Hit
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MSA University - Complaints & Claims

Process for Writing Complaints & Claims:

The process for writing complaints and claims for MSA computer science faculty:


Identify the issue: First, identify the specific problem or issue you want to raise. It could be related to a particular course, a faculty member, or any other aspect of your experience in the computer science faculty.


Gather information: Collect all relevant information that supports your complaint or claim. This may include emails, course materials, or any other documentation related to the issue. Review policies and procedures: Check the policies and procedures of the computer science faculty to understand the process for filing a complaint or claim. This information should be available on the faculty website or through the administration office.


Draft your complaint or claim: Use a clear and concise language to draft your complaint or claim. Include specific details and examples to support your case. Be respectful and professional in your tone and avoid using emotional language or making personal attacks.


Submit your complaint or claim: Submit your complaint or claim to the relevant authority or office in the faculty, such as the head of the department or the dean of the faculty. Follow the submission guidelines and provide all necessary documentation to support your case.


Please Fill in this form :https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfp89mKw6VQt2DR9iMpUdIUHC_JzQeJgomg9GhB9JnytRXSZw/viewform?usp=sf_link


Follow up: After submitting your complaint or claim, follow up with the relevant authority or office to ensure it is being processed.


Be patient and allow sufficient time for the review process to take place.


If you don't receive a response within a reasonable time frame, you may consider reaching out for an update by sending email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Or call us at 01289777684

Careers and Entrepreneurship

Published in Computer Science
Wednesday, 22 February 2023 14:13
1136 Hit
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MSA University - Careers and Entrepreneurship

Careers and Entrepreneurship:

The Faculty of Computer Science at MSA University has two main objectives: to ensure that its students receive a high-quality education and to promote innovation through the research conducted in their graduation projects. This research often leads to entrepreneurship activities, such as engaging with industry partners and inviting them to discuss topics related to Startups and Entrepreneurship.


The Faculty of Computer Science strives to foster relationships with industry, business, and government. This includes hosting seminars and workshops to discuss topics related to Startups and Entrepreneurship; inviting industry partners to give presentations and share their experiences; organizing networking events to connect students with industry professionals; and providing students with the opportunity to participate in internships and other experiential learning opportunities.


Additionally, the Faculty of Computer Science encourages its students to develop their own business ideas and provides resources and support to help them bring their ideas to life. Through MSA Center of Excellence, students are given access to mentorship and guidance to help them create their business plans, as well as access to funding and resources. Additionally, the Center of Excellence connects students with industry partners and potential investors, and hosts events and workshops to help students gain a better understanding of the world of Startups and Entrepreneurship.

Board of Study

Published in Computer Science
Sunday, 29 January 2023 13:40
1068 Hit
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MSA University - Faculty of Computer Science

Board of Study:

The purpose of the Board of Study is to provide a forum for discussion between students and staff involved in all aspects of the programme.


The membership includes:


  • Chair (Dean)
  • Representative from UoG
  • Director of Quality Assurance & Audit Unit
  • Programme Leaders, Faculty Link Tutor, all Module Leaders (or their representatives) wherever feasible.
  • Faculty vice dean
  • Student representatives (almost two for each year/major).
  • Support services representatives (IT, Admission, HR, PR, Examination Unit, Library etc).
  • Secretary to take the minutes


Student Representatives are responsible for notifying the Board with the students' concerns, suggestions and complaints.


A meeting is held each semester normally in week six to eight as specified in the Quality Assurance Calendar. Dates of the Boards of Studies are published in all student handbooks, on MSA Website and on MSA Academic Calendar and Quality Assurance Calendar.


The agenda must include all major items but further items suggested by the student representatives and members of the committee may be added where appropriate.


The minutes should cover all agenda items and include a summary of the main points of discussion and an action/outcomes list. Any actions required include the timescale, the name of the person responsible and when a report back to the Board is expected. They should also include progress on actions from the previous minutes.


Within five working days of the meeting a Chairs’ Action List will be published and circulated to all those with action points to deal with and to the Quality Assurance and Audit Unit Head.

Support for disabled students

Published in Computer Science
Sunday, 29 January 2023 13:07
850 Hit
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MSA University - Faculty of Computer Science

Support for disabled students:

As an educational institution and employer, MSA recognizes the equal rights for all students.


Within this context, MSA supports any student with any form of physical disability who would require special tutorial help in academic reading and writing. Students with physical disabilities are taken into consideration not only in respect to examination arrangements but also in attendance and in the marking of coursework and examination papers, provided that the student has reported it at an early stage. Disability that may require consideration and when necessary, MSA offers one to one deemed tutorial help.


MSA is committed to a continuous programme of upgrading its buildings in order to improve accessibility for the disabled by incorporating provisions for wheelchair users. The campus includes ramps, lifts, and toilets for special needs persons.

Academic Support

Published in Computer Science
Sunday, 29 January 2023 11:59
2164 Hit
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MSA University - Faculty of Computer Science

Academic Support:

Throughout your time at MSA you'll have access to a dedicated network of people and resources to support your academic and professional development.


During the registration period of the (first week of every semester) students are offered academic advice via their academic advisors. They are also provided with a detailed schedule prior to the start of each academic semester.


Please note the following regulations guidelines before registration:




  • The first important thing is that registration is online no schedules will be built in the faculty.
  • For the newcomers 1st year students a ready made schedule will be handed to them on their orientation day.
  • For assistance there will be online meetings through Google meet all the day from 9 to 3
  • Links will be sent to your emails or you can send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Please note that if your GPA is less than 2 you will not be able to register your schedule except after signing a warning form in the faculty.


  • Declare Major will be opened online through student zone to know more about the two majors Click here
  • For requesting Grad I or II use “Grad Request
  • For any registration problems or inquires use “Registration Problem Form
  • check for the reply on your @msa.edu email
  • No Registration through phone calls
  • For Assistance there will be online meetings through Google meet all the day from 9 to 3
  • Note if the registration is closed because of your military status kindly contact Military Affairs at room C313.




1. For Students who achieved a CUM.GPA less than 2 “under probation Students” you will not be able to build your schedules unless you come to the faculty to sign the warning form.

2. The registration process is totally online (No need to come to the campus at all) and if you need any help you can contact the registration team through the Google form


“Please note that you can access it through the official MSA email and you will receive a response on your email and please note that we solve the problems by turn so do not rush for a fast reply”


3. Regarding graduation requests you can submit your requests here

4. Declare Major will be opened online through student zone to know more about the two majors Click here


please note that you should achieve 69 credits to be eligible for declaring your major


5. If you have any further. problems you can send it to the student’s affairs official email address (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

6. Kindly note that during the current situations (COVID-19) we will not be able to extend the maximum capacity of any lab/lecture at all.

7. Please make sure to end your schedules as all pending schedules will be reset and to start from scratch by the second week of the term.

8. Finally, after ending your schedule you will not be able to change it at all or even resetting it.




Read the following carefully:


1. Note that all students can register for a maximum of 2 courses with 6 credit hours.

**Only Summer graduating students are eligible to register for 9 credit hours maximum.


NB: Please fill this form if you are facing a problem in adding extra credit hrs (more than 6 credits) or if you can't find the courses in the offered courses document , The request will be proceeded directly in the next 48 hours to get approval for the payment.


2. Please check your curriculum carefully to know the course code of your summer courses that you want to register for. Check also the credit hours of the courses according to your curriculum.

3. Login to the following link with your login details of your student zone

4. Login with your student zone credentials.

5. Write the total credit hours you would like to register for and click add payment record.

6. Please go to either: التجارى أبوظبى بنك أو العربى البنك ONLY to pay for the credits you created. Payment through other banks is not accepted by the financial department. Make sure of the bank names as there are banks with similar names that are not accepted at ALL.


N.B. To know about the total fees that you need to pay, please use your MSA app to check the tuition you should be paying.


7. Offered courses will be attached in separate documents.


CS Faculty Student Affairs Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Facebook Official Page


Academic Advice and Guidance:

MSA’s main mission is to provide a well-rounded unique learning environment for the students. MSA has introduced many methods to provide academic advice and aid to all students through the following channels:


  • Office hours/ Extra Tutorial/ Group Revisions
  • All instructors declare their office hours at the commencement of each semester.
  • Please click here to check office hours for all staff members
  • The Teaching assistants are available to offer extra help to students.
  • They work with students either individually or in small groups according to their individual needs.
Academic Advisor:

Academic advisors are available for students to offer advice and guidance during registration of Modules. They also provide information to students about the different majors within the faculty.


Teaching Assistants Support


Teaching Assistants are always there for their students to offer both academic, social and personal advice. Their relation often extends to social activities outside the university as they usually organise group outings and field trips.

Student Life

Published in Computer Science
Sunday, 29 January 2023 10:57
1103 Hit
(0 votes)

MSA University - Faculty of Computer Science

Student Life:

University student life is a time of exploration, growth and discovery. It is a time when students are no longer under the watchful eye of their parents and are free to explore their interests and passions. It is a time for students to develop their independence and learn to make decisions for themselves.


University student life is full of opportunities for learning and growth. Students have the chance to take advantage of the world-class education offered by their university, as well as the vast array of extracurricular activities available. There are also a variety of social activities, from student clubs and organisations to friendly gatherings with friends. University student life is an opportunity to meet new people and make lasting friendships.


University student life also offers a chance to develop and hone important life skills. Students are challenged to think critically and solve problems, while also learning how to manage their time and prioritise their commitments. They are also given the opportunity to learn how to live on their own and become more independent.

Support and Wellbeing:

Student support and wellbeing is a term used to describe the range of services, resources, and activities that are available to students to help them succeed in their academic and personal lives.


This includes mental health services, academic support, career counselling, financial aid, and other resources. It also includes activities such as student clubs and organisations, recreational activities, and social events.

Student support zone:

At MSA we have digitised all the students’ services in one place so you can access it anytime and anywhere.


In MSA student zone you can find the following services:



Also you can find a link to MSA Services which is your gate to most of the services that you need as a student and a graduate

Faculty Staff

Published in Computer Science
Monday, 23 January 2023 13:08
10584 Hit
(0 votes)



Ali H El-Bastawissy, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Sciences

Office: 217 & 218, Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Google Scholar Link:https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=TILGNiwAAAAJ MSA University - Computer Sciences Staff   "Ali H. El-Bastawissy is the dean of the Faculty of Computer Science at MSA University. Ali El-Bastawissy is a professor of information systems at Cairo University. He published more than 60 articles and studies in Data Modeling and engineering, Data Integration, Business Intelligence, and e-government. He has 40+ years of experience in designing and implementing business solutions and for dozens of Middle East Ministries and Governmental Associations to accelerate decision-making and to improve corporate performance."

Ammar Mohammed Ammar, Professor in the Faculty of Computer Sciences

Office: D213, Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Google Scholar Link:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=LusKsV8AAAAJ&hl=ar&oi=ao MSA University - Computer Sciences Staff   "Ammar Mohammed is a professor of Artificial Intelligence. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Koblenz-landau, Germany, and his  M.Sc and B.Sc. in Computer Science, from Cairo University. He worked as a researcher and research fellow at the Artificial Intelligence research group, Department of Computer Science, University of Koblenz-landau. He leads the machine/deep learning research group and is a PC  member and joining the reviewing board of several international journals and conferences. "


Associate professors

Ayman Mohamed Ezzat Atia, Faculty vice dean of the Faculty of Computer Sciences

Office: D215, Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Google Scholar Link:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=DmNIb1sAAAAJ&hl=en MSA University - Computer Sciences Staff   "Ayman Atia is Associate professor at the Faculty of Computer Science, MSA and Helwan University, received his Ph.D. from the University of Tsukuba, Japan in 2011. He is Co-Founder of HCI-LAB, and head of the interaction group. His work includes finding new interaction techniques for large display and finding abnormal behaviour for driving vehicles, theft detection, sports activities. His research interests cover the wide spectrum of Human-Computer Interaction including Gestures and natural interfaces, Wearable Sensors, Augmented Reality and Brain-Computer Interaction. Despite the education and research challenges that face countries like Egypt, he was a recipient of governmental-fund and awards on several occasions."

Farid Ali Mousa, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Computer Sciences

Office: E233, Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Google Scholar Link:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=X658KeQAAAAJ&hl=en MSA University - Computer Sciences Staff   "Associate Professor In Information Technology "

Wael Hassan Gomaa Mohamed, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Computer Sciences

Office: D213, Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Google Scholar Link:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Uc1Rw1EAAAAJ&hl=en MSA University - Computer Sciences Staff   "He is an associate professor at MSA and Beni-Suef university. He received his Ph.D. in Arabic NLP from Cairo University in 2014, and his Master's degree in text mining from Helwan University in 2008. He works for the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT) as a technical expert and NLP consultant. He was the project manager for the Management Information System (MIS) unit in the Communication Technology Project (ICTP). His primary research interests include NLP, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning."

Mohamed Abdel Hafeez Mahfouz, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Computer Sciences

Office: D213, Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Google Scholar Link:https://scholar.google.dk/citations?user=PQPberkAAAAJ&hl=en MSA University - Computer Sciences Staff   "Mohammed A. Mahfouz received the BSc, MSc and PhD degrees in Computer and Systems Engineering from the faculty of engineering, University of Alexandria, Egypt, in 1989 and 1996 and 2009 respectively. He is an associate editor for the journal of intelligent and fuzzy systems since 2019. He has published several papers in the areas of machine learning with application to text analysis, bioinformatics, symbolic data, and big data. His research interests include pattern recognition, bioinformatics, software engineering, simulation& modeling, data science, and homomorphic encryption."


Assistant Professors


Mohammed Abdallah Bakr Mahmoud, ICPC club coordinator in the Faculty of Computer Sciences

Office: H414, Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Google Scholar Link:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=YQtT1t8AAAAJ&hl=en MSA University - Computer Sciences Staff   "Mohammed A. B Mahmoud received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in computer science from Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Egypt, in 2007 and 2014, respectively, and his PhD degree in School of Computer Science and Technology from the Beijing Institute of Technology, in 2021. His research interests include pattern recognition, deep learning. He has also been contributing as a reviewer of several journals and conferences including CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, BMVC, ACCV, MICCAI, ICONIP, T-ITS and IEEE Access."

AbdelMoniem Helmy Ismail, Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Computer Sciences

Office: D213, Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Google Scholar Link:https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=jKnGkFAAAAAJ MSA University - Computer Sciences Staff   "Born in 1977, Helmy graduated with honors from faculty of Computer & Information, Cairo university in 2000 and was appointed a teaching assistant in department of computer science, faculty of graduate studies for statistical research, Cairo university. He obtained his master degree from faculty of Computer & Information, Cairo university in 2005 in the for his research in semantic web where he got a prize for his distinct research in Cairo university festival in 2006. Helmy got his PhD degree in 2018 from faculty of graduate studies for statistical research, for his research in web services classifications using machine learning. Beside the academic career, Helmy has professional diplomas in e-Commerce from ITI in 2001, and another one in software engineering from NCC Education and given by FUJITSU Egypt in 2003. He also studied two years of a taught master’s in information management at the University of Hradec Králové – FIM, Czech Republic from 2013 to 2015. Finally, Helmy has over 20 years industry experience in software engineering where he worked in many software houses for developing software products for ERP, healthcare, and transportation. "

Wael Farouk Mohamed Elsersy, Lecturer in the Faculty of Computer Sciences

Office: D213, Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Google Scholar Link:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=0Z0wLhwAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra MSA University - Computer Sciences Staff   "Wael Farouk Elsersy obtained his PhD degree from the Department of Computer System & Technology, Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology, and University of Malaya, Malaysia. His Ph.D. research is in Mobile Devices Security with specific focus on Android malware detection, Android rooting and risk assessment. His research interests include Mobile Security, Machine learning, and Risk Assessment. Addition received Master degrees in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menoufia University, Egypt 2000."

Mohamed El-Sayed Ghoneimy, Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Computer Sciences

Office: H414, Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Google Scholar Link:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=rrOgpK0AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao MSA University - Computer Sciences Staff   "Mohamed ElSayed Ghoneimy is an assistant professor of Computer Science at MSA University. He received his bachelor's degree in computer science from MUST University in 2006, his master's degree from the AAST in 2010, and his Ph.D. from Cairo University in 2021. His work focuses on using nature-inspired metaheuristics to solve optimization problems. He has been working for more than 15 years in higher education. "

Moataz Ahmed Samy, Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Computer Sciences

Office: D213, Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Google Scholar Link:https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=Rx-mheMAAAAJ MSA University - Computer Sciences Staff   " Moataz Samy is a highly experienced computer science lecturer at MSA University. He has a PhD in Computer Science from Cairo University - faculty of computer science and Artificial Intelligence and has been teaching for over 10 years. He is passionate about teaching and helping students to develop their skills in the field of computer science. He is an expert in programming languages, software engineering, and artificial intelligence. His research interests include machine learning, natural language processing, and data mining. He is committed to providing students with the best possible education and helping them to reach their full potential."

Nehal Mohamed AbdelHamid Ali, Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Computer Sciences

Office: H414, Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Google Scholar Link:https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=Rx-mheMAAAAJ MSA University - Computer Sciences Staff    "Nehal M. Ali was born in New Jersey, NJ, USA. She received her B.Sc. in Computer Science from Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt, in 2006, and her M.Sc. degree in computer science from the Arab Academy for Science Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT), Egypt, in 2013. In 2022 Dr. Ali received her Ph.D. in bioinformatics and specialized in transcriptomic data analysis with Artificial intelligence, also from AASTMT. In addition to being a software engineer and a data scientist for more than 16 years in a multinational corporation, she has several publications in bioinformatics, machine learning, and text mining. She is also a reviewer for multiple scientific journals and has won several recognitions in national and international competitions."

Hesham Mansour, Software Engineering Program Leader in the Faculty of Computer Sciences

Office: D215, Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Google Scholar Link:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=f9p7gicAAAAJ&hl=en&authuser=1 MSA University - Computer Sciences Staff    "Dr. Hesham Mansour is a highly respected and experienced educator in the field of computer science and software engineering. With over 20 years of teaching experience in higher education, he has been a professor at several prestigious universities. He has an extensive background in software architecture and development, having worked in the US for 20 years. He is renowned for his expertise in software development, often serving as a consultant for major companies. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and experience with the next generation of software engineers."

Islam ElShaarawy, Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Computer Sciences

Office: D216, Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Google Scholar Link:https://scholar.google.com.eg/citations?user=QiYV8YYAAAAJ&hl=en MSA University - Computer Sciences Staff    "Islam A. ElShaarawy is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, United Kingdom. He received the Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education from Faculty of Education and Health, University of Greenwich in Jul 2019. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Egypt-Japan University for Science and Technology (E-JUST), School of Electronics, Communications, and Computer Engineering in Aug 2014. He currently works as a Lecturer in Faculty of Computer Science, October University of Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA). His research interests include rigorous computations, computational geometry, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. "

Amr Mahmoud El Maghraby, Computer engineering Lecturer in the Faculty of Computer Sciences

Office: H414, Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Google Scholar Link:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=c0puEn4AAAAJ&hl=en MSA University - Computer Sciences Staff    "PhD. Degree in Computer Science. Holds a postgraduate degree in public administration. I received the stages of school education from “collège de la saint famille” I confidently involved technically in numerous large-scale network and data base applications implemented thru using different software releases, understanding the importance of time management and opening communication focus on the technical side of work. With 29 years of programming experience in Analysis, Design and Implementing Business Applications for Military and Civil usage with the ability to troubleshoot and solve problems in a timely and accurate manner. "

Zeinab Abd El Haliem Taha, Head of Quality Unit & CS Program Leader Assistant in the Faculty of Computer Sciences

Ehab Emam Zakaria, Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Computer Sciences

Office: D213, Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Google Scholar Link:https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=en&user=6NCwH8kAAAAJ MSA University - Computer Sciences Staff    ""Ehab Emam is an assistant professor of computer science since 2016. He graduated with honor degree in 2002 from FCI, Cairo University. He earned his MSc degree in information security from Cairo university, faculty of computers and artificial intelligence in 2006. In 2016 he earned his Ph.D in information technology from Cairo university. Throughout 20 years of teaching experience, he administered many courses including artificial intelligence, computer security, image processing, pattern recognition, graphics, computer networks, programming languages,… In 2018, Dr. Ehab became a fellow of the British higher education academy. He is involved in the community services where he is a member of The Academy of Scientific Research & Technology (ASRT). His research interest include AI, Security, Networks.

Ali Khater Mohamed, Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Computer Sciences

Office: D213, Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Google Scholar Link:http://bit.ly/3ZYPJHu MSA University - Computer Sciences Staff    "ALI KHATER MOHAMED is an Assistant Professor at Faculty of computer science, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA), Giza, Egypt. He received his B.Sc., M.Sc., and PhD. degrees from Department of Operations Research and Decision Support, Faculty of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. Cairo University. He participated as a member of the reviewer committee for many different conferences sponsored by IEEE. He serves as a reviewer in many reputable journals. He is the winner in CEC2021 competition on single objective bound constrained real-parameter numerical optimization, and the runner up in CEC2020 competition on single objective bound constrained real-parameter numerical optimization. He has published a list of papers in reputable and high impact journals. He is interested in Statistics, Mathematics, Quantitative Methods, Operations Research, Intelligent Optimization and Evolutionary Algorithms. Additionally, he is also interested in real world problems such as industrial, transportation, manufacturing, education, and capital investment problems. "

Ali Ali Somaie, Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Computer Sciences

Office: D213, Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Google Scholar Link:https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=en&user=X5gexKYAAAAJ MSA University - Computer Sciences Staff    "AA Somaie got his PhD from University of Bradford, Bradford, United Kingdom, 1996. He received his PDF Research Associate from University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 2005. He is a consultant engineer from engineering syndicate, Cairo, 2006. Currently, he is a faculty member in the Faculty of Computer Science, MSA University. He has authored and co-authored for more than 25 articles. He has supervised M.Sc. and PhD theses in the field of object recognition, cryptography systems, and image processing. He is interested in many research areas such as Digital Information Processing, Management Information Systems, Satellite Imaging Systems, Pattern Recognition, and Computer Vision."


Shereen El-Feky, Lecturer in the faculty of Computer Sciences

Office: E249, Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Google Scholar Link:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Qct25TgAAAAJ&hl=en&authuser=1 MSA University - Computer Sciences Staff   "I'm Shereen El-Feky Lecturer - Assistant at Faculty Of Computer Science ! , I Held My Masters in Operations Researches and Decision Support - Faculty Of Computers and Artificial Intelligence - Cairo University , I have been Awarded "Most Published Researcher Award" at MSA University , i'm passionate about Machine learning Optimization and data science Researches , Currently ! I'm Working on my PhD."

Mariam Osama Farid, Lecturer in the faculty of Computer Sciences

Office: D217, Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Google Scholar Link:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=LusKsV8AAAAJ&hl=ar&oi=ao MSA University - Computer Sciences Staff   "Lecturer Assistant at MSA university "

Noha Ahmed Saad Eldien, Lecturer in the faculty of Computer Sciences

Office: E249, Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. MSA University - Computer Sciences Staff   ""Pre-PhD Postgraduate Student from 2020 to present Master of Science in CS (MSc) Cairo University Cairo, Egypt 2015 Bachelor of Computers and Artificial Intelligence “with B Grade” Graduation Project “With A+ Grade” Cairo University Cairo, Egypt 2005-2009 ""

Yasmine Eid Mahmoud, Academic advisor for Probation in the faculty of Computer Sciences

Office: E233, Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Google Scholar Link:https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&authuser=1&user=uHcGFIgAAAAJ MSA University - Computer Sciences Staff   "MSA Graduate 2010, MSc of Computer science Cairo University 2016"

Internet Computing Pathway

Published in Computer Science
Thursday, 12 January 2023 09:42
1614 Hit
(2 votes)

The Programme provides state-of-the-art high quality education relevant to the local and international markets, offering a unique undergraduate programme with several advanced specializations, complementing programmes of the national universities. The programme aims to train students for lifelong independent learning and provide a versatile route through the computing and web fields.
Career destinations include industry, government or graduate studies and research as:
- Developers; designing and implementing web software.
- Enabler of technology; devising new ways to use computers.
- Researchers; developing effective ways to solve internet computing problems.
- IT Managers; planning and managing organizational technology infrastructure The Internet Computing pathway develops the knowledge, intellectual and practical skills necessary to equip students for a career in computing.
The Internet Computing pathway further distinguishes its students with specialized knowledge and experience in development techniques for internet computing and intelligent systems.
It provides a versatile route through the computing field to allow students to acquire particular expertise in a wider range of computing subjects. The Internet Computing pathway further distinguishes its graduates with thorough knowledge and experience in the emerging fields of net-centric computing.

If you cannot view the below document, please click here.

Download: MSA university - Internet Computing Four Year Plan.

Software Engineering Programme

Published in Computer Science
Thursday, 12 January 2023 09:33
2979 Hit
(4 votes)

The programme aims to provide state-of-the-art high quality education relevant to the local and international markets. It offers a unique undergraduate programme with several advanced specializations, complementing programmes of the national universities. The software engineering pathway develops the knowledge, intellectual and practical skills necessary to equip students for a career in computing in industry, government or graduate study and research as:
- Developers; designing and implementing, and engineering software systems.
- Enabler of technology; devising new ways to use computers.
- Researchers; developing effective ways to solve computing and software problems.
- IT Managers; planning and managing organizational technology infrastructure The Programme develops the knowledge, intellectual and practical skills necessary to equip students for a career in computing and train students for lifelong learning to be able to independently follow the continuous progress in the software engineering fields. The Software Engineering pathway further distinguishes its graduates with thorough knowledge and experiences in the processes and methodologies for producing quality software products.
The Software Engineering pathway further distinguishes its graduate with thorough knowledge and experiences in the processes and methodologies for producing quality software products.

If you cannot view the below document, please click here.

Download: MSA university - Software Engineering Programme Four Year Plan.

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