About GICO

Tuesday, 29 January 2019 13:37
3938 Hit
(1 Vote)

MSA University - GICO


GICO office is concerned with defining the potential funding local and international opportunities for research projects. It also improves the opportunities of getting international technical / financial support for the research projects. GICO Supports the researchers in the field of managing and following –up of the research projects.

The Objectives of GICO are:
  • Define potential funding local and international opportunities for international research projects.
  • Improve opportunities of getting international technical / financial support for the research projects.
  • Support the researchers in the field of managing and following –up of the research projects.
You can now execute your idea by MSA-GICO office
Dear academic staff


Welcome from the MSA-GICO office (Grants and International Cooperation Office). The main objectives of the GICO office are:


  • Define potential funding local and international opportunities for international research projects.
  • Support the researchers in the field of managing and following –up on the research projects.
In this context, we invite you to fill your area of expertise in the link below to have a database of your specialization so we can easily reach you out when an opportunity funding opportunity arises.




if you any inquires, please do not hesitate to contact us on the email below


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About TISC

Tuesday, 29 January 2019 13:21
3942 Hit
(2 votes)

MSA University - TICO


Creativity and innovation are the hallmarks of university research's rapid growth and the subsequent transfer of technology components to society. No doubt promoting innovative research, working to protect it, and translating it into patents push the wheel of economic growth and provides job opportunities and new industries, thus indicating the university's high status and its researchers. Hence, the university makes much effort to help its children obtain patents and support them in everything related to this noble destination.

TISC Message:

The office aims to encourage innovators to transform their ideas and creativity into products of economic value, link them with manufacturers, and preserve their intellectual rights, which will lead to the promotion of the university locally and internationally.

IP Q & A:

1. What is a patent?

It is a title providing the inventor and/or the applicant with the exclusive right to prevent others from possessing, using, selling, manufacturing, and importing the patented invention or offering to do any of these things within a definite geographical area.

2. What can be patented?

An invention must fulfill the following three criteria in order to be considered patentable:

  • Novelty: The invention must be new and original. An invention is not considered a novel one if it has been known, practiced, published, or disclosed by others anywhere in the world before the date the invention was submitted by the applicant.
  • Non-Obviousness: The invention must not, at the time it was submitted, be considered obvious to a person of “ordinary skill” in the field of the invention.
  • Industrial Applicability: Any invention which is capable for industrial use and is useful; so that it has a practical application.

3. What does patent protection grant the inventor?

Having a patent protection for your invention does not give you the right to exclude others from practicing the invention. During the time a patent is in place, a patent holder or licensee can exclude competitors from making and selling products similar to the patented idea of invention.

4. How long is a patent good for?

The lifetime of a patent is 20 years from the date of submission.

5. What is a utility Model?

It is a type of rights under which the law protects a technical means that does not reach the limit of the invention and is easier and faster to obtain and for a period of less patent protection (7 years).


The requirements for obtaining protection for a utility model are less complex than a patent, as steps such as the novelty step, for example, are not as important in the utility model as in a patent, and utility models are not subjected to the same lengthy and complex tests as patents.

6. Can early disclosure of an invention compromise the right to protect my invention?

In most countries, the right of patent protection is lost or void if a public disclosure is made prior to the filing of a patent application.


A public disclosure is information about the invention that is freely available to the public and that is “enabling” – which means it describes the technology in enough detail that someone else in the field would be able to make and use the invention.


Common forms of public disclosure include: publications, lectures, published abstracts and posters, conferences and symposia, theses and dissertations.


Therefore, we strongly recommend you to contact our IP office once you become aware of an impending public disclosure. We will work with you to evaluate and protect your invention without affecting the timeline of your publication or conference proceedings.

7. How do I submit an invention to Intellectual Property Office IPO at MSA University?

  • If you have an invention to disclose, please fill the MSA IP Disclosure form on-line via the “Patent System”.
  • Once your form is submitted to the system, it will be reviewed, and the status of the application will be updated, and you will receive an email with that.
  • After conducting a review of the technology to determine the patentability and opportunity to commercialize your invention, we will recommend the appropriate type of protection for your invention and delegate it to one of our outsourced patent attorneys who are specialized in the subject matter of your invention.
  • The technical background of the expert will help you to prepare state-of-the-art claims of the invention and file a strong patent application. Our team will also engage with you at a later stage to explore the potential market of your invention and the best strategy to commercialize it to industry.

About TTO

Tuesday, 29 January 2019 12:36
3971 Hit
(1 Vote)

MSA University - TICO

About TTO:

TTO is the technology transfer office established in MSA university in October 2018 and funded by the ASRT to support the applied researches to be ready for the market and technology commercialization by connecting the researchers to the industrial Beneficiaries and facilitate to researchers the process of implementations their innovative ideas by providing different types of support as financial, Technical, Marketing, relations and others.

TTO Rules:
  • Establish research groups/teams from different departments and/or different faculties.
  • Build partnership with applied domains such as industry, agriculture, medical, etc.
  • Address integrated multi-disciplinary projects that support community and national needs.
  • Technology Marketing and IP licensing to companies, factories, etc.
  • Collecting the industrial challenges in the faculties’ research domains and directing the applied researches to serve the community needs .
  • Improve the quality of the graduation projects to be ready for commertlization .
  • Facilitate the Participation in innovation fairs and competitions to researchers
  • Organize technical and scientific seminars, workshops and conferences.
  • Publish distinguished research papers in reputable Journals and Conferences.

Luxor & Aswan "Opera Nile Cruise"

Monday, 14 January 2019 13:23
15508 Hit
(3 votes)

On 25 January 2019;

MSA arranged Nile cruise in Luxor and Aswan for 4 Days and 3 Nights, Full board (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner) and the transportation is via the 1st class express train.

EGP 3900

Don't miss the chance to see the real beauty of Luxor and Aswan either in the nile or on the land as the seats are limited reserve your spot now by heading to the sports and social department at true GYM in building L. For more information visit Social activities admission @ true gym
Dr. Salah A El hadi 01226833388

Mobile Application Guides for Staff

Published in contents
Sunday, 13 January 2019 08:52
12218 Hit
(2 votes)
If you cannot view the below document, please click here.

Download: MSA university - Mobile Application Guides for Staff.

Mobile Application Guides for Students

Published in contents
Wednesday, 09 January 2019 14:25
14152 Hit
(2 votes)
If you cannot view the below document, please click here.

Download: MSA university - Mobile Application Guides.